Epilady - Smooth and Luxurious Legs for Weeks and No More Razors!

Posted on 1:50 PM by Elisa

Epilady is a mechanical hair removal tool - you can use it to remove hair from your legs, arms, back...wherever!  Even those unmentionable areas to prepare yourself for bikini season!  Epilady uses rotating mechanical disks that grip onto the hair and pull it out from the root, thus easily getting rid of any unwanted or unsavory hair.  Epilady is available on Amazon:

I've been using Epilady technology for over eight years and it works great!  Their products are built to last if you take care of them.  My mother used my Epilady before me (she needed an excuse to get herself a new one), so in total it's been around for over a dozen years and it still works like new.

If you're tired of shaving then consider getting an Epilady for your hair removal needs.  It may hurt a little the first few times, but it's easier than waxing - it's less painful, less costly, and less messy.  If it hurts too much the first few times then consider taking a couple of Advil or Iburprofen to numb the pain the first couple of times.  Once you get the hang of using Epilady then you'll never notice the pain again.

After using Epilady to remove your unwanted body hair, red spots will appear, but that's just because you pulled the hair out from the roots and by the next day, the spots will be gone.  Sometimes I apply a body moisturizer like Aveeno or Cetaphil to calm the area down or take a cool shower.  If you apply moisturizer too soon after removing the unwanted hair then sometimes the moisturizer can get stuck in the little holes where the hair follicle once was, creating a pimple.  So the point is, unless your skin is very irritated, I have found it best just to rinse in cool water and then wait for a day.

Considering how much a waxing session is at a salon, the Epilady is a very cost-effective method of hair removal.  With the global recession hitting so hard - it can be a great way to keep your legs looking smooth, sexy, and touchable, without hurting your wallet.  The Epilady is available on Amazon for under $60.  There are various models, but I recommend the Epilady Legend and I also recommend that you get one with a power cord because the battery-only powered ones will lose their juice.  I hope that you seriously consider Epilady!

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