Jarabe De Palo - A Great Music Group From Spain

Jarabe De Palo is one of my favorite Spanish bands - visit the official site here. The introductory speech on their official website is very moving, so play close attention to it if you understand Spanish.  I will translate it for you here in case you aren't fluent in Spanish:

Esta claro que en la vida, si no haces cosas, no avanzas.
It's clear that in life, if you don't do things, you don't move forward

La suma de las cosas que haces se convierte en pequenas historias.
The sum of the things that you do become small stories.

Y la suma de pequenas historias es la historia de tu vida.
And the sum of small stories is the story of your life.

En este momento tenemos cosas por hacer, por ilusion, por vocacion, por compromiso.
In this moment we have things to do, because they are our dream, because of our vocation, because we have made a promise.

Cosas, que se convertiran tambien en pequenas historias y que al final ,contaran una historia de musicos, la historia de Jarabe De Palo.
Things, they also become small stories, and in the end, they will tell a story about musicians, the story of Jarabe De Palo.

Jarabe De Palo is spanish for Cough Syrup.  Their lyrics are moving and their tunes have long gripped millions of fans around the world.  They are known for being philosophers and poets - their words will move you.

Here is a list of their discography, courtesy of Wikipedia:

1996 - La Flace (their biggest hit!)
1998 - Depende
2001 - De Vuelta y Vuelta
2003 - Grandes Exitos
2003 - Bonito
2004 - 1m2 (Un Metro Cuadrado)
2007 - Adelantando
2009 - Orquesta Reciclando

You can purchase their records through iTunes or on Amazon.  Here is one of their most popular CDs, La Flaca:

And here is another one Depende:

Epilady - Smooth and Luxurious Legs for Weeks and No More Razors!

Epilady is a mechanical hair removal tool - you can use it to remove hair from your legs, arms, back...wherever!  Even those unmentionable areas to prepare yourself for bikini season!  Epilady uses rotating mechanical disks that grip onto the hair and pull it out from the root, thus easily getting rid of any unwanted or unsavory hair.  Epilady is available on Amazon:

I've been using Epilady technology for over eight years and it works great!  Their products are built to last if you take care of them.  My mother used my Epilady before me (she needed an excuse to get herself a new one), so in total it's been around for over a dozen years and it still works like new.

If you're tired of shaving then consider getting an Epilady for your hair removal needs.  It may hurt a little the first few times, but it's easier than waxing - it's less painful, less costly, and less messy.  If it hurts too much the first few times then consider taking a couple of Advil or Iburprofen to numb the pain the first couple of times.  Once you get the hang of using Epilady then you'll never notice the pain again.

After using Epilady to remove your unwanted body hair, red spots will appear, but that's just because you pulled the hair out from the roots and by the next day, the spots will be gone.  Sometimes I apply a body moisturizer like Aveeno or Cetaphil to calm the area down or take a cool shower.  If you apply moisturizer too soon after removing the unwanted hair then sometimes the moisturizer can get stuck in the little holes where the hair follicle once was, creating a pimple.  So the point is, unless your skin is very irritated, I have found it best just to rinse in cool water and then wait for a day.

Considering how much a waxing session is at a salon, the Epilady is a very cost-effective method of hair removal.  With the global recession hitting so hard - it can be a great way to keep your legs looking smooth, sexy, and touchable, without hurting your wallet.  The Epilady is available on Amazon for under $60.  There are various models, but I recommend the Epilady Legend and I also recommend that you get one with a power cord because the battery-only powered ones will lose their juice.  I hope that you seriously consider Epilady!

Beautiful and Free Microsoft Powerpoint Templates

I'm preparing some presentations and stumbled across some beautiful and free Microsoft Powerpoint Templates that I would like to share with you:

Here is a bright, yellow and invigorating tempalte

Here is a link to all of their Microsoft Powerpoint themes in the "nature category."  They have plenty more themes that are more professional or abstract, so be sure to browse the site for your preferred style.

Here is a site with more free Microsoft Powerpoint templates that are free.  I have included an example to the right.

SamaSource - Microwork for the Developing World

Here is a great organization that I just stumbled upon called SamaSource.  SameSource basically created opportunities of people in the developing world to work on digital projects.


You can read more specifics about their work on their press page here.  Even if your budget is tight right now, you can help SamaSource by publicizing their efforts - become a fan of theirs on facebook!  Or make a twitter post about them or whatever!

Yogitoes Non-Slip Yoga Towel!

The yogitoes mat is a brilliantly designed yoga towel designed to minimize slipping or skidding.  Yogitoes is especially useful for heated forms of yoga (like Bikram, Heated Vinyasa, Heated Ashtanga, etc.).  It's still a great addition to your yoga gear even if you steer clear of heated forms of yoga, since it also provides a sanitary layer between you and your yoga mat, which is easily washable.

As you can see in the image above, Yogitoes features a bed of small, rubbery silicone dimples that are designed to stick to your yoga mat, or in more technical terms - increase the friction between your towel and mat. To elaborate...have you ever had the experience of sweating profusely onto your yoga mat and suddenly finding yourself slipping and sliding or even falling on your rump while trying to do a crazy challenging pose - well, that's why they invented the Yogitoes mat! A step up from just using a standard yoga mat is to use a towel and a standard towel definitely helps, but it doesn't stay in place easily and once it gets wet - it skids around - that's where yogitoes really helps.

Yogitoes are also designed for performance in durability.  Yogitoes uses a high-quality ultra absorptive 80:20 polyester:nylon blend that provides a hygienic layer between you and your mat.  The yogitoes mats are machine washable and dryer safe for easy care and maintenance.  And the premium size is designed to fit on most standard yoga mats measuring 24x68 inches.  Yogitoes mats are very intuitive - just place the side with the silicone pads against your mat before your practice and you're all set.  Yogitoes mats are available in a variety of colors from energized bright oranges and blues to ones with more earthy tones - just have fun picking your favorite!  

You can purchase a yogitoes mat directly from Yogitoes or on Amazon:

Really, the only downside to the yogitoes skidless mats is the price - they can range from $45 - $65, but I found a good deal on Amazon and paid less than $35. One big consolation to the price is that the Yogitoes company has a dedicated fund for charities around the world. You can learn more about the specific charities that they support on their "about us" page here. Just look at the upper right hand corner where it says "yogitoes fund" on the far upper right. They support:

a home and education for the
orphans of Tibet.

mothering Indian children in need.

empowering AIDS orphans and street
children in Tanzania, Africa

"Home of Miracles" - a children's home
near Machu Picchu in Cusco, Peru

helping NYC school children find peace.

So to sum it all up, Yogitoes features:
- Silicone dimples to minimize skidding (patented).
- High quality, absorbent 80:20 polyester:nylon blend to collect sweat.
- Embroidered edges for durability.
- Easy and safe to machine wash and dry!
- All in all, it's a high quality product made by a budding small business, which is lead by a female entrepreneur who is making charity a key part of the Yogitoes vision!  And all of that really makes me smile!  Plus, I was finally able to do this side crow pose the other day - thanks in some part to my new yogitoes mat!

And below is one last picture of my yogitoes skidless mat - I just really liked this photo.  I think everything looks more artistic when you take photos on macro mode.

Klean Kanteen - Help Save The World, Protect Your Health, and Keep Your Wallet Fat and Happy

A great way to help the environment is to invest a little in a non-disposable water bottle like the ones made by Klean Kanteen.  Investing in a Klean Kanteen bottle can help you and the environment in a number of ways:

(1)  Klean Kanteen helps you reduce waste created by disposable plastic water bottles.

(2)  Bottled water is expensive and using tap water is an easy way to save a lot of money.  Using a Klean Kanteen water bottle will pay for itself in no time if you're currently buying bottled water.

(3)  Tap water has strict government standards, whereas the bottled water industry is unregulated.

(4)  Klean Kateen Technology is free of BPA or plastic liners  You can learn more about their technology here.  BPA and plastic liners are known to have negative health affects.

You can buy yours right now from Amazon and get it shipped strait to your house instead of wasting time, money, and emitting CO2 getting to and from the store! Go for a nice walk or spend some time talking to an old friend with the time you save!

Buy Yours now and you will help put a stop to things like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Added Benefits

(1)  Multiple cap options to choose from

(2)  Unique and pretty designs

(3)  High quality stainless steel.  Here is a quote from the Klean Kanteen website regarding their stainless steel alloy choice.
"Stainless steel is an iron-containing alloy made from some of the basic elements found on earth: iron ore, chromium, silicon, nickel, carbon, nitrogen and manganese. The properties of the final metal change depending on varying amounts of these elements. More than 57 stainless steels exist and are sold as standard alloys on the market.
Klean Kanteens™ are constructed from high-quality, 18/8, food-grade stainless steel. The numbers stand for the percentages of chromium and nickel in the steel, 18% and 8% respectively. Chromium increases the metal's hardness and nickel gives it strength. Together they also make stainless steel highly resistant to stain or rust.
Stainless steel is easy to clean, durable, inert and sanitary. That's why it's the material of choice among the food processing, dairy and brewing industries."
   And in regards to nickel in the stainless steel alloy:
Nickel is a naturally abundant element found in the earth's crust, soil and ocean floor. It is generally resistant to corrosion and is therefore used to make metal alloys such as stainless steel. Approximately 10-15% of the population is sensitive to nickel, but the health effects of nickel are highly dependent on the manner and degree of exposure. The stainless steel used to make Klean Kanteens™ has a low nickel content and is the preferred material used by breweries and dairies.

(4)  Easy to clean. Here is a detailed page informing you on what is the best way to clean your specific Klean Kanteen model.

(5)  Some studies have found that Aluminum is linked to Alzheimers.  The information below is from the Klean Kanteen FAQ web page under the question "Which is better, stainless steel or aluminum?". 

"While aluminum is lightweight, it can leach toxins and chemicals when it gets hot or comes in contact with anything acidic. Studies have also linked aluminum exposure to Alzheimer's disease. To ensure that the drinks inside aluminum bottles are safe, the bottles must be lined with something. The most common materials used to line aluminum bottles include plastic or baked-on epoxy, both of which can leach BPA and other toxic chemicals or can get scratched, exposing the aluminum underneath. Ceramic is another material used to line aluminum bottles, but it's more rigid and can crack. Of even greater concern is the fact that many companies won't release information about what the liner on their aluminum bottles is actually made from. The liner can also retain flavors, which can make your drinks taste funky. The stainless steel used to make Klean Kanteens™ is time-tested, safe and completely free of BPA, phthalates, lead and other toxins. It's fine for acidic beverages or foods, and doesn't retain or impart flavors. That's why it's the material most commonly used in food preparation and by the brewing and wine-making industries."
(6)  It's recyclable (once you finally destroy it after decades of use).

Further Reading:
If you're interested in learning more about the negative aspects of bottled water and the role that marketing and perception has played in creating the bottled water industry then check out these resources below:

(if you only have time to read one of these then pick the one just below) 
Constructing Purity: Bottled Water and the Commodification of Nature.  By Andy Opel
Journal of American Culture (01911813); Winter99, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p67, 10p

“Bottled Water Is a Packaged Deal.” Beverage Industry
89.4 (1998): 7.

Davis, Susan G. Spectacular Nature: Corporate Culture and the Sea World Experience. Berkeley: U of
California P, 1997.

Foster, John Bellamy. The Vulnerable Planef: A Short Economic History of the Environment. New York:
Monthly Review, 1994.

Goldman, Robert. Reading Ads Socially. London:
Routledge, 1992.

 “Hoping to Cash in on Liquid Assets.” Nation’s Business
86.10 ( 1998): 74.

International Bottled Water Association Home Page. 1998.
Web Page. URL: http://www.bottledwater.org/facts/
crypto.htm1. Nov. 1998.

Kummer, Corby. “Carried Away.” New York Times Magazine (1 998): 38.

Lenzner, Robert. “A Monster Beverage Event.” Forbes
160.9 (1 997): 64.

Lukes, Timothy W. “Power and Politics in Hyperreality.”
Social Science Journal 28.3 ( I 9 9 I).

McCarroll, Thomas. “Testing the Waters.” Time 141.17
(1993): 54 (1) .

Smith, Toby M. The Myth of Green Marketing: Tending Our Goats at the Edge of Apocalypse. Toronto: U of
Toronto P, 1998.

And here is one more photo of my beloved Klean Kanteen bottle.

Townie Bike

Above is my brand spanking new and very sexy Townie Bike/Cruiser.  It's not only a beauty, but it's incredibly practical and useful.  I'm still trying to settle on a name for my girl, but right now I'm thinking along the lines of movie star actresses:  Sophia Lauren, Madonna, or Jolie - let me know if you come up with a good idea for a name.  Sorry - getting a bit off track.  Let me get back to why I chose this bike and why if you're looking for a new bike - the Townie Cruiser is a great pick.

The Townie Bike model 7D features:

1.   Flat Foot Technology:  The Townie Cruiser offers something that they call "flat foot technology," which is basically an ingenious redesign of a standard bicycle frame to allow the rider to sit completely upright, rather than leaning over the handle bars.  This is a much better position for your lower back, so the Townie is a great option for people with lower back pain.  The position actually feels more natural than a traditional biking position and while it won't help you lower your wind resistance and win any races, it will provide you with a comfortable commuting bike or just a cushy ride around town.  

Flat Foot Technology, as the name implies, also allows you to easily place both feet firmly on the ground.  This is particularly useful for riding along city streets where there are frequent stop signs or lights.  The diagram below illustrates the design enhancements offered by flat foot technology.

2.  Light-Weight Aluminum Frame:  Unlike most cruisers, the Townie is made from aluminum, which makes it significantly lighter.  Having a lighter weight bike is not only easier on your back when you're taking it up and down stairs, but it allows you to bike faster and smoother.

3.  Multiple Speeds:  Townie bikes come with a variety of options for speeds.  My bike has 7 speeds, as you can see in the photograph to the right.  However, you can choose from any number of speeds including 1, 3, 7, 8, or 21.  Typically, the more speeds, the more expensive the bike.  If you have varied terrain with a lot of hills then I would recommend investing in 21 speeds. However, if most of your terrain is relatively flat then I would stick to the 3, 7, or 8 models.  The 7D Townie model that I have also has an overly large 1st gear, which makes it easier to go up hills.  I advise people against getting a 1 speed bike or "fixed gear" because it can be a pain to put the chain back on when it falls off.  This isn't something that happens every day, but it happens frequently enough on most bikes that you want to be able to flip your bike over and easily put the chain back in its proper place without any tools.

4.  External Gears Hub:  Townie Cruisers are available with internal and external gear hubs.  The advantage with an internal gear hub is that you can't get your pant leg stuck in the gears.  The disadvantage is that if your chain falls off then it's harder to get access to the chain and put it back on - you would need to have bike tools with you or take it to your local bike shop.  So I recommend that you go with an external gear hub.

5.  Adjustable Handle Bar Angle:  The Townie Cruiser features an adjustable handle bar, which allows you to rotate the grip pads to best accommodate your build.  I have my handle bars turned in towards me to allow me to sit as upright as possible and thus decrease any potential back pain.  You can see the small notches on the handle bar in the photo to the left, which allow you to get the best angle for maximum comfort.  I love the Townie bikes attention to detail!

6.  Comfortable and Stylish Seat:  Hmmm...smile - comfortable seat!  As anyone who has ever ridden a bike for a significant amount of time will tell you - riding a bike can hurt your bum after a while.  Having a wide and cushioned seat offers additional support to make your ride more comfortable.  Townie bikes also offer stylish seats in a variety of colors and designs and most of them have gel inserts for extra cushyness.

7.  Great Color Choices and Sweet Accessories:  The Townie comes in a variety of vibrant colors, as well as more subdued and classic color combinations.  Electra (the bike company that produces the Townie) also offers a wide variety of fun accessories including bells, baskets, small pack, cup holders, colorful fenders, decorative bike seats and more!  Check out these beautiful images here on this great blog.  I love the Electra designs!  If I had had some more cash to spend on a bike - I would have picked out a really lovely design. 

8.  Easy to Integrate Rack and Baskets: It's super easy to equip your Townie with baskets or racks.  It's basically a plug in play.  Townie makes their own custom racks that are designed to mesh with any standard baskets.  I chose to go with strong, low-cost, and stylish white baskets to match my seat and handle bars.  you can purchase white bike baskets on amazon here.

10.  Fenders and Chain Guard: Townie Bikes can be equipped with fenders and a chain guard, as in the diagram above.  A chain guard is the piece of metal above your chain, which protects you from your chain.  Without a chain guard it's easy for your pant leg to get tangled in your chain and destroy your pants and cause an accident.  Definitely make sure you get a chain guard!  Fenders go above your wheels and protect you from water or mud splatter (my pink bike doesn't have them yet - I'm waiting until it rains to get some).  Definitely invest in fenders if you live in a rainy city or like riding in the mud!

11.  Capacity:  I equipped my Townie Cruiser with two rear baskets to make transportation of heavy stuff a breeze!  Check out the capacity on this baby!  Here I have it loaded down with about one hundred pounds of groceries.  Be sure you get some bungee cords if you're going to try this!

12.  Free Service and Tune Up:  My local bike shop gave me free service and tune up for a year!  And my friend recently bought a bike where the shop gave her free service for life!  Buying from a local shop definitely has it's long-term advantages.  Not to mention you're helping promote your local economy and helping create cool, enjoyable, and rewarding jobs for bike enthusiasts.

13.  The Cost:  Ok, it's not your $200 cruiser from Target or Walmart, but it's also aluminum (much more expensive than steel), well-designed, and well-built.  I got mine for less than $500 including baskets, a rack, and stylish white seat/handle bar grip pads.  Not to mention you're helping support a smallish company and local bike shop instead of a mega corporation.  Originally, I was planning to go with a heavy cruiser from Target, but their bike are (1) heavy and made from steel, (2) don't use flat foot technology, (3) don't offer service plans, (4) the cheapest bikes at target don't have multiple speeds, and (5) I was discouraged by some of the negative reviews on the Target Websites.

You can learn more about the Townie Cruiser/Bike here on the Electra Website.  I recently found another blog posting about the Townie Bike here.

Also - a lot of people have been asking me where I got my white baskets and I got them on Amazon at a very reasonable price: